Take a peek at the first song of the show here!
For personal and at home streaming only.
( For institutions, libraries, colleges , universities and other educational or social service organizations please contact Producer Bess O’Brien for licensing prices for streaming at bobrien@pshift.com.)
"I was absolutely blown away by the insights and wisdom of our youth, and the frank exploration of the lived experiences and emotional roller coaster ride called adolescence that Listen Up provided me. Most importantly, the musical effectively catalyzes the important conversations teens, their parents, school mentors, and communities need to be having about the complex issues facing teens, society, and the planet today.”
Mark Levine, Vermont Health Commissioner
“It is so important to acknowledge the reality that young people face…and to give them a platform to imagine a better world and the role they play in it. Art can be so much more liberating and empowering than politics.”
Peter Welch, U.S. Congressman
“As a legislator, as a mom of a teen and a tween, as a former teacher, I have a better understanding of my state and my community after seeing this show. It's a roadmap for what we need to get done together to serve the youth of our state. Attending a performance of the Listen Up Project was one of the highlights of my summer. These kids brought their hearts and their stories to the stage. They were so raw and so real with all of us in the audience. “
Rebecca Balint, Senate President Pro Tempore
“I am so proud of this amazing production. Listening to one another to understand complex stories is what is going to make the changes that youth want in their lives!”
Taylor Small, Vermont Legislator
“Listen Up is young people expressing their purest and truest emotions. It is so exciting to see!”
Kesha Ram, Vermont Senator
“A thoughtful, high energy and professional production—compelling and honest.”
The Bridge. Montpelier VT